Tackling Fuel Poverty

by davidcox on 6 June, 2022

With gas prices rising steadily and totals at the till creeping up with each weekly shop, millions of people have faced an “eat or heat” choice. In response to the ‘cost of living crisis’ I will be sponsoring ECOE’s ‘Heathy Homes for Wellbeing’ project in West Teignmouth.
ECOE aim to tackle fuel poverty through advising residents most at risk with expert advice and support. ECOE offer hand holding and additional support for complex situations and where the householders are unable to manage this themselves.
Healthy Homes for Wellbeing, provides free energy and money saving to help reduce energy bills in the current energy crisis and combat climate change in the longer term, their team of trained and qualified Home Energy Advisers provide practical energy advice and support with the aim of helping as many residents save money and stay warm in their homes.

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